SCProbond™ Solutions in Mining
Silicon Carbide Applications in Mining & Material Processing
Reducing maintenance and unexpected down-time is a major priority in the mining and material conveyance industries due to the rapid capital losses associated. SCProbond™ Silicon Carbide liners are abrasion, corrosion, and high temperature resistant components that are custom cast to protect and extend the lifetimes of the key wear areas in these processes. Silicon Carbide is a synthetic material that exhibits high performance characteristics including: high hardness approaching that of diamond, high strength (gains strength at temperature), and excellent chemical, thermal shock, and wear resistance. Each of our SCProbond™ Liners are engineered to offer customer’s the maximum wear protection with a minimum number of seams which are known weaknesses in SiC lining assemblies.
At SCP, our team strives to create efficient, cost-effective, monolithic SiC solutions customized to relieve the high wear points typically found in mining and material processing industries:

Typical Applications
- Elbows
- Wyes
- Spool Liners
- Material Redirects
- Transitions
- Reactor Liners
- Centrifuge / Separation
- Wear Shoe
- Discharge Orifice
- Feed Wall Liners
- Hydrocyclone / Cyclone
- Apexes
- Inlet Heads
- Vortex Finders
- Spigots
- Cone Liners
- Chute Liners
- Slurry Pump Wear Components
- Inline Chokes/Reducers
- Micronizer/Jet Mill Liners
- Flash Pots
- Quench Vessels
- Vent Blast Tubes
- Impingement Blocks
- Value Body Liners
- Piping